Believe & Achieve

Believe & Achieve is the name given to our project working with year 6 pupils, on their transition to high school and the big changes that this stage of their life encompasses.

The project is delivered in 12 week blocks, covering many topics such as puberty, personal hygiene and life skills. We have delivered this project with both year 6 boys & girls, in separate groups, tailoring the subject matter appropriately.

Our most recent project lasted for a total of 24 weeks (two blocks) in a Burnley primary school, and was very positively received by the group of boys themselves as well as school staff. Emma and Jade, our youth workers who run this project, were really impressed with how the boys' confidence grew, as they overcame barriers and progressed so much throughout the project. Lancashire Boys & Girls club also came in and delivered 'The Cube' - a challenge where the boys had to work as a team to solve problems, which worked really well. We are confident that the project as a whole has equipped them with the skills to be able to positively approach this next phase of their young lives.

We can create bespoke projects, tailored to your school's needs - get in touch with to see how we can help.

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Sessions attended to date

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-20 at 12.24.09
group workshop photo
WhatsApp Image 2023-03-20 at 12.24.15
emotions workshop boys photo