Make A Meal Of It
Running between 2022-2024, Make A Meal Of It was a social cooking group, available to all ages, and together we prepared and cooked budget recipes. At the end of the session, each participant was able to take home a family-sized meal and dessert for their household.
The group achieved its aim of encouraging participants to learn new cooking skills and recipes, to combat loneliness by spending time with others, and to help with the rising cost of living, tackling food poverty in our communities. The project also brought different generations together over a shared common interest & goal.
The group grew in confidence, working together each week to use our 2-hour time slot efficiently to prepare and cook meals and plan for the weeks ahead.
We also ate lunch together during the group, providing a valuable time to get to know the participants and signpost them to any partner services who were able to help them with difficulties in various aspects of life.